Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shel Silverstein isn't closing any lids.

Just a taste...

Here are a few more photos from another time we whipped out the big camera.  Please forgive me for all of the photos.  I realize I have turned into one of "those" parents.  But there a baby cuter than this?  I don't think so!


April Photos

So here are the April photos. This photo shoot captured Coco's personality at the moment: happy and joyful. We are having so much fun with her currently it is making it even more difficult to leave her in the morning and go to work. Luckily she is a morning baby and loves to wake up around 6am and gives us an hour of fun before heading off to work. Enough words, here is Coco!





Coco through the years

How is the blog going so far? Too much? Too little? Too many picture filters? Well, most of our photos shown on here are from our iPhones. It is by far the easiest and more convenient way to share photos with everyone. We do have a super fancy camera that we pull out once and while when we are bored. Kidding! Each month we are taking a series of photos of Coco to document her fast growth towards her career in the WNBA. During each photo session we take a photo with each of the following: calendar (to document the month), black bear (story to follow), yellow cat/bear (also story to follow), blocks, and in her chair. Below are February and March. We took the April photos today and will post them shortly. Again, all of these are taken in our house, on her rug in the nursery and using our fancy camera. Enjoy!

Month 1:

Month 2: